IBEW and Labor News

Here you can find the latest news from the AFL-CIO, IBEW Washington, and Local 1517. News is typically updated twice a month.

IBEW Local 1517 News

Here you can find local news and information. The links below are updated monthly. Just click on them for access.

Local 1517 Seniority Rosters (Unofficial)

Local 1517 Seniority Rosters (Official)

IBEW Local 1517 Bylaws (Amended)

Railroad & AFL-CIO NEWS

Click the Links below to get quick access to Political, transportation, Union, and other news

IBEW Railroad Dept

System Council 16

TTD Railroad News

Please fill out the form below. All information is submitted to the ibew political and legislative department and will be included in the precision scheduled railroading (PSR) Survey.